Jamaica Plain Apartments, the best source for real time apartment listings in Jamaica Plain, has published an average rent price infographic with data pulled from the Boston Pads database. This massive database is comprised of over 156,000 Greater Boston apartments, 500,000+ property images, and 8,000+ apartment videos.
The average prices were calculated out of 316 apartments in Jamaica Plain that either have been rented out in the last year or are currently listed as available. The real time vacancy rate was calculated by adding the number of apartments that are currently available with all of the units that will become available in the next few months, and dividing by the total number of apartments in the database for Jamaica Plain. The population and average income data was pulled from the U.S. Census Bureau.
As compared to rent averages to neighboring Brookline and Mission Hill, prices are significantly lower in Jamaica Plain. Jamaica Plain renters can plan to pay almost $200 less per month for a 1-bedroom than they would in Mission Hill, and almost $400 less per month than Brookline. If you are looking for larger 5-bedroom apartment in Jamaica Plain, the average cost is $4,045. That comes in significantly lower compared to average rent prices in Mission Hill. which reach $4,572, as well as average rent prices in Brookline, which reach $4,899.
Studio |
$1,227.65 |
$1,535.28 |
$1,609.54 |
1 Bedroom |
$1,708.96 |
$1,899.09 |
$2,100.65 |
2 Bedrooms |
$2,173.63 |
$2,349.33 |
$2,799.50 |
3 Bedrooms |
$2,905.63 |
$3,109.43 |
$3,533.42 |
4 Bedrooms |
$3,368.52 |
$3,826.33 |
$4,266.55 |
5 Bedrooms |
$4,045.85 |
$4,572.52 |
$4,899.75 |
About Jamaica Plain Apartments
Jamaica Plain Apartments, powered by the Boston Pads database, offers assistance over the phone to any interested landlords or property managers. Callers receive information from a member of a trained phone staff or licensed real estate agent. Landlords, renters, and property managers can get a glimpse of the rental market in any neighborhood, including current rent prices, vacancy rates, trending topics, and more. Boston Pads uses this data with a rent maximization formula so local landlords can get help setting the right price for their apartments in any given area.
It is this hyper-local and data-driven strategy that has helped Boston Pads differentiate themselves from competitors and build a network of over 16,000 local Boston landlords. Property managers who list with Boston Pads ensure they get the best marketing coverage available from one complete solution. Boston Pads sends listings to all the national platforms including Zillow, Craigslist, and Trulia, over 80 locally optimized real estate listing websites, and 100+ relevant social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.
By providing the most comprehensive marketing coverage combined with the latest data, Boston Pads has positioned itself as the real estate and information technology leader in New England. Their platform is nationally scalable and can be adapted to any market. It can be utilized by any agency or landlord to increase revenue and streamline marketing efforts.
To see the average prices for more towns in the Greater Boston Area, check out our latest infographic on average rent prices in Boston by town.